Moera H
Family Mart: How eco-friendly is the most popular establishment in Hiroo?
Family Mart
As citizens of this wonderful planet Earth, it is our duty to ensure that we take care of our home for future generations. Sadly, we don’t realize that a simple choice of where we get our food can have such a huge impact on the environment. Family Mart is the most popular place for
our community, with 81.5% of the surveyed members choosing Family Mart probably due to its vicinity. With an eco-friendly shop test score of 12/24, which is frankly quite low, Family Mart is not very eco-friendly.
The store scored lowest out of all shops surveyed on eco-consciousness and packaging. Members of the Family Mart staff do not promote eco-friendliness as they don’t ask if customers have a reusable bag before packaging their purchases in plastic bags. Helping customers be more eco-consciousness can reduce waste as well as promote and educate people on how to diminish their waste footprint.
The packaging of Family Mart products was another criterion, with a score of 1/4, that Family Mart needs to improve on. A lot of their products are packaged with another layer of packaging over the product, which is mostly plastic and also completely unnecessary. Packaging material makes up a major part of the world’s total global waste. Since Family Mart mostly uses plastic material for its packaging they have a great negative impact on the environment because plastic takes longer to decompose than paper due to its carbon structure.
On the bright side, Family Mart scored 3/4 on sustainable energy usage. The lights that Family Mart uses are LED, so they do not emit polluting radiation and are therefore more efficient. Also, the air conditioning temperature is set to 26 degrees celsius, and when we measured the actual room temperature it was revealed to be 27 degrees celsius. Both of these temperatures are in the

range of 26-28 degrees celsius which was our guideline for a good temperature. Keeping the air conditioners at an acceptable temperature in relation to the outside temperature helps save energy.
Family Mart has some aspects that are eco-friendly, but there is still a lot of room for improvement. Small adjustments like changing the material of the packaging can make a huge impact on the environment. Let’s all try to be good citizens of Earth and not frequent Family Mart until they make their establishment more environmentally friendly.