Ice and Rice – DIY Sports Injury Treatment

"RICE" when injured!

“RICE” when injured!

Darya, Writer

As the first sports season comes to an end, and another one is fast approaching,  it is common for athletes to come across minor sports injuries. However, with our busy schedules, we don’t always find the time to go to the doctor. But there are still some things we can do ourselves when we get injured, so that we can be back the next practice.

First and foremost, ice is your best friend. Icing is probably the first thing you should do once you get injured. This is because ice will reduce inflammation and decrease the time for your injury to heal. Ice will also help reduce your pain. Whenever you feel pain during or after practice always, always, always ICE! When preparing your ice pack, make sure you add a little bit of water. When applying the ice pack, make sure there is a layer of cloth between your skin and the ice. Make sure you ice for 20-25 minutes straight after your injury.

In addition to sprains, muscle cramps and muscle strains are common. Some athletes say that pinching your upper lip helps with muscle cramps. Muscle strain, on the other hand, is much more serious. An easy way to remember what you should do when you strain a muscle: “RICE”. This acronym stands for “rest”, “ice”, “compress”, and “elevate”. Although this applies to ALL injuries, the first thing you must do is “rest”. If you feel pain anywhere in your body, tell your coach immediately and STOP. If you strain the injured area too much, this could cause a bigger injury.

The next step is also very important: “ice”.

“Compression” and “elevation” go together because they help to reduce swelling. You can compress by tying special elastic bands, but make sure you don’t tie it too hard that you cut off your circulation. When you elevate, make sure the injured area is above your heart to assist blood flow.

When your injury is not serious, you can return to practice even if you haven’t fully recovered. When you do this, first make sure you talk with your coaches to ask if there are things that you can skip during the practice if you start feeling pain. After practice make sure you ice the injury to reduce the pain and inflammation.

Most importantly, in order to prevent injuries, you must rest and eat well, so that you are alert during your trainings!