A Rainy Season and A New Family

Despite the challenges, the Symbas Varsity Tennis team had an enjoyable season.

Joanna and Olga

If the tennis team had to describe this tennis season in three words, it would be: rainy, challenging, and rewarding. As Mr. Jeremic would say, “the rain was against the tennis team all season.” Many practices were canceled due to rain and typhoon days. Despite this, the tennis team persevered and tried their best to make the most out of the two-month season.

The Varsity team had five new members this season: two seniors (Joanna and Karen), one junior (Nana), one sophomore (Darya), and one freshmen (Eriko). The team immediately clicked and constantly supported each other in practices and in games. “I think all the team members complement each other so well. Even though its such a short season, we became so tight and I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to be a part of the team,” said Darya (10).

Luckily, none of the tennis games were rained out and the Varsity team managed to win four out of six games against Zama, Kinnick, Yokota, and CAJ. Unfortunately, they lost against both ASIJ and Seisen, who had extremely strong teams this season.

However, the tennis team did not let these losses bring them down. On 27 October, they headed to Chiba to participate in the Kanto Tennis Tournament. Doubles 2 players Nana (12) and Nana  (11) fought their way to the semi-finals. Despite an intense and close match, they unfortunately lost to Seisen’s Doubles 1 team. “Nana and I played our best at the tournament, so it was a great way to end the season,” said Nana M. Doubles 1 Team Joanna (12) and Karen (12), almost made it to the semi-finals, but unfortunately lost to Seisen’s Doubles 2 team in the quarter-finals.

Each singles player, Eriko (9), Darya (10) and Olga (10), won their first games of the day. However, during their second games, all three singles players faced tough opponents from Seisen and ASIJ. Despite giving it their all and playing their best games of the season, all three singles players unfortunately lost. “Even though I lost my game, I think it was the best I played all season. If I hadn’t missed a lot of serves, I definitely could’ve won against her,” said Eriko (9).

Overall, the varsity tennis team came third in the league and placed third out of seven teams at the Kanto Tournament. “Important key to success is self-confidence, and important key to self-confidence is preparation. Thanks to everyone who participated in the Varsity tennis team, such a great group of girls,” said team coach, Mr. Jeremic.

Despite not winning the league this year, the players gained something more valuable: friendship. “We really became a family. I’ll never forget the bus ride on the way home from Chiba when we were blasting music and singing in the van. I love my team,” said Karen (12).

“We’re so proud of every player in the team for all their efforts throughout the season and we’re grateful that we had such a caring, enthusiastic, and entertaining coach like Mr. Jeremic. We’ll definitely miss the tennis family,” said team captains, Olga (12) and Joanna (12).