From Tumblr to Tokyo
Alumna Kei Meguro exhibits her work in Japan for the first time

Taken from Kei Meguro’s instagram
February 26, 2015
From February 10 to February 22, Kei Meguro (‘05) returned to Tokyo with her first Japan exposition. Held at L’illustre Galerie LE MONDE, Ms. Meguro was part of an exhibition called LOVE DRAWING where she sold Tokyo exclusive limited edition prints. Kei Meguro’s portfolio is mainly composed of hand-drawn and digitally-colored realistic portraits, some of which are commissioned by prominent companies like Chanel, Spotify, Shiseido, and Lancome. The ISSH 3D design class students visited the exhibition on February 10. “[The exhibition] was really inspiring. I went home and drew a lot,” said Carina (12), a 3D Design student.

Kei Meguro shared the space with five artists from the Tokyo region exhibiting hand drawn illustrations. Despite the illustration theme, the artists presented very different types of artwork “some of them were more funky and some of them were more abstract,” said Carina (12).