Run for color, run for literacy

Ms. Luttrell, Mr. Felstehausen, and Lisa (10)
Both the ISSH breezeway and students were bombarded with colorful powder on a cloudy Saturday as the Room to Read Club and the Fitness Club collaborated to host their very first Color Run on May 16.
The entrance fee was 300 yen and custom made Room to Read Color Run T-shirts sold for 1,000 yen. With a reasonable price and effective promotions, the ISSH Color Run was a great success. Despite the whimsical weather, the event drew in a total of around 80 participants from the ISSH middle school and high school. “We felt the very unified when planning the event and I think that is why it turned out to be a huge success” said Nana (11) a member of the Room to Read Club.

The Color Run is a charity run with a Holi-inspired colorful theme. What differentiates the Color Run from other charity runs is that the participants are showered with colored powder while running. The Room to Read Club and the Fitness Club were inspired by existing charity runs such as “The Color Run” and “Color Me Rad”. The participants of the ISSH Color Run were surprised by getting water dumped on them along with the colored powder. “The club members were really enthusiastic and that made it enjoyable” said Ami (11).
The ISSH Color Run was organized to raise money for Room to Read, an NGO which works to end illiteracy in the world by installing libraries and schools, publishing books, and providing education to children in need in Asia and Africa. (For more on Room To Read read: Change Starts with Educated Children, Educating Children Starts with Room to Read)

With colorful powders, water guns, and food vendors, the stressful AP atmosphere was replaced with excitement and positive energy. To kick off the event, Lucas, a student ambassador for the Room to Read program from ASIJ, gave a speech on his experience with Room to Read. In addition, a video message from John Wood, the founder of Room to Read, was played where he expressed his appreciation for the support .
The fundraiser successfully raised a total of around 80,000 yen and added color to the weekend.