Sacred Heart Summer School is growing!
Enrollment increased by 30 percent in 2015
June 19, 2015
The ISSH Summer School 2015 session took place from June 15 to June 26 and enrolled 164 students, 36 more students than in 2014.
ISSH Summer School teachers were trying to make the classes as interesting as possible for the students, so new courseswere added to make ISSH summer school better for all grade levels. The new courses that were added into the program included Volleyball, Cooking Around the World, Xylorchestra, Digital Storytelling, SAT Math and English, and Journalism.

Charlie, a Weird Scientist, experiencing new science techniques.
“We actually had to close the Cooking around the World class. Too many people signed up,” said Mr. Nicholson.
ISSH Summer School 2015 allowed students to select courses from a wide variety of choices. 35 courses were offered, and students were able to choose an equal number of fun courses and academic courses.
“I’m taking SAT Math and English which are both academic courses.You can choose to take an afternoon course, or you can choose to have a half-day like I do,” said Katie, a grade 10 student.
“I’m taking Actor’s Studio, Fun with Felt, General Knowledge Dojo, and Crochet Creations. I like General Knowledge Dojo because you learn lots of fun facts and get sweets. I’ve had a great week!” said Elena, a grade 4 student.

Elena (4), Jimin (4), and Millie (4) make pincushions in Fun with Felt.