Student Council workshop builds a family of leaders


A team of leaders poses for the camera to introduce themselves to the High School.

Sarah W (12), Writer

From August 21 until August 22, a workshop planned by the executive student council was held at ISSH to teach the basics of being a leader and working as a team.

According to Mina (12), the Secretary Treasurer of the Social Service Council, working together under pressure with the other representatives “enhanced our teamwork.” About her fellow Social Service Council representatives, she said that they “were pretty close from before, but we were able to learn about how we (they) work as a team.” Other highlights of the evening were playing “mafia” and “wink murderer,” which emphasized the importance of trust and observation when given a leadership role .

During the second part of the sleepover, the representatives informed each other about the responsibilities of leadership roles through presentations. The presentations included instructions for becoming a productive and effective leader, a summary of what the jobs of each members of the representatives were, and tips for creating engaging presentations.

Anjana (12), the President of the World Council said: “The presentations were repetitive — but we were able to reflect on the important parts of being a leader since the points were emphasized by the multiple presentations.”  With the workshop over, Reshma (12), the Executive Vice President said, “It was interesting to organize the event and I really hope that the students got to combat challenging issues with their new teams.”

With another busy school year starting, Reshma said, “I hope that this will be a productive year as well.”