Farewell to another great season of basketball
Symbas Varsity Basketball travel to Iwakuni, Japan for Far East Tournament
February 25, 2016
Ending the season, the Symbas, Coach Cervantes and Coach Davis travelled to Iwakuni, Japan for the Far East Tournament. From February 14 to 19, the team competed in a three-day tournament with 7 base schools from Korea and Japan.
This year’s varsity basketball team was composed of five seniors (Miya (Captain), Alice, Anna, Saya, Haruka) two juniors (Madeline, Joyce (Captain)) , and one sophomore (Annabelle). However, because the Far East tournament requires nine players, Sae (10) filled in.
The Symbas had a difficult start to the tournament pool play, losing against the Lady Samurais (M.C. Perry), but continued on strong in their second game against the Cougars (Osan). Although unsuccessful in the end, the Symbas maintained a competitive score against Osan, obtaining the lead until half time. On the second day, ISSH struggled against another talented and strong team, the Zama Trojans.
Following their losses during pool play, they continued on to the tournament and went against the Panthers (Yokota), who were placed first in their pool and were the league champions. However, the Panthers defeated the Symbas with easy lay-ups. This left the Symbas determined for the chance to fight for fifth. They successfully defeated the Cobras (E.J. King), and were granted the chance to place fifth or sixth, depending on their next game against the Edgren Eagles. Despite their efforts, the Symbas were not victorious in their last game, and were fixed in the sixth place. The Yokota Panthers once again won the tournament for the second consecutive year.
Outside of the tournament, two other competitions took place. Sae (10) competed in the Free Throw Challenge and ended up in second place just after the winning shooter from E.J. King. Annabelle also took part in the second skills competition, the Three Point Shootout, and scored three three pointers.
Miya (12), captain of the Symbas basketball team, was presented with an All Star Award for her outstanding play in the tournament.
Madeline (11) recalled the tournament saying, “Far East was so fun! It’s always super fun to travel with the team and I feel like I got to know everyone even better during those couple of days. Although the results might not have been the best, it’s all about the experience. We (the team) were able to build teamwork, endurance, and sportsmanship. Far East was a great way to wrap up the season!
Despite the hectic season, the group grew as a team and shared many memorable moments.

The Symbas Varsity Basketball team.