The littlest symbas footballers yet
Varsity Soccer joins in on the Little Symbas fun, hosting their very own soccer training for kindergarten and junior school students
Little Symbas ready to play soccer
March 17, 2016
This sports season, the Varsity Soccer team, alongside coaches Mr. Eyre and Mr. Knight, is hosting Sacred Heart’s very first Little Symbas Soccer. So far, they have had their third session, and will be continuing every Friday from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. until April 8.

Little Symba dodges defender
In the sessions, 40 students from kindergarten and junior school learn how to dribble, score goals, and dodge defenders.

Varisty soccer player organises a game for Little Symbas.
In prior years, Symbas Soccer was difficult to organise because it conflicted with other activities that the Varsity players were involved in. This year, the team and Mr. Eyre were able to come up with a feasible schedule that allowed for Little Symbas Soccer to come into action.

Little Symba gets ready to score.
The money raised by Little Symbas Soccer will fund the Varsity Soccer team’s participation in their Far East Tournament, supply warmup jerseys for the team, and support the Sports Council in purchasing Symbas duffle bags.