Third pool makes a splash!
ISSH Summer School 2016

Photo: Summer School Staff
Junior school students enjoy playing in one of the three pools.
June 24, 2016
There is a new change in ISSH’s 2016 Summer School for the students’ enjoyment: a third pool on the playground. Pools are open to all students who attend Summer School.
Mr. Nicholson, one of the Summer School Co-ordinators said, “I decided to get an additional pool because we always had to say no to the middle schoolers who wanted to use the pools in the past. But middle schoolers want to cool off like the younger kids too.”

Kindergarten students cool off during Splash Time!
Students in Kindergarten through Grade 2 get to play in these pools during Splash Time, which is free time in the afternoon for water play. Students in Grade 3 and above can play in the pools at lunch time.
Haruka, a 3rd grader, said, “I like playing in the pool because I always get sweaty after team sports and I like cooling down.”
“I like to splash around inside the pool, which is fun,” said Aoi, a 3rd grader.
Younger students, however, are not the only ones enjoying the pool. “It is fun getting wet,” said a group of 8th graders.
Pools are filled by spigots right beside the pools. Disinfecting chemicals are put in the water three times a day, in accordance with Japanese law.
Specific pool rules are enforced to prevent accidents and pool damages. There shouldn’t be any running and jumping into the pools. Nobody should be splashing anyone who does not want to get wet, or does not have any clothes to change into.
Mr. Nicholson and Ms. Spentzos are thinking of ways to further expand water play in 2017.