
“My mom would always tell me that I’m good at dancing in kindergarten — but I never believed her and so I never seriously tried dancing. She would make me dance in front of random relatives like my cousins but that only made me hate dance even more. I didn’t start dancing again until high school when I got really into k-pop, especially BTS. I watched their videos and wanted to follow their dances and moves. Through performances, like our performance during last year’s One World Day, I wanted to show other people that k-pop routines looked really cool — even with non-professional dancers. After that, I became interested in learning k-pop and hip-hop dances and I even took a two-month dance course in Korea over the summer; I plan to take even more courses after senior year.

This year, I’m leading the dance club. We have 25 members, divided into 5 groups: 4 k-pop groups and 1 street-dance group. We are preparing to perform for the High School at the end of each semester, and some of our members are auditioning for One World Day again. It will be a lot of work but I’m excited to be working with them” — Dayeon