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The International

The International

The International

Hana K.('22)

Hana K.(’22)

Raised in the UK since she was 6, Hana is fully Japanese, and a senior at ISSH. Having moved to ISSH in Grade 11, this is her first time contributing to The International. She is bilingual, fluent in both English and Japanese, but also likes to add that she has learnt French, German, and Latin at her old school. During her unusually long morning train ride (a consequence of living in Chiba), she enjoys catching up with current affairs via The Guardian and The New York Times. Her hobbies include listening to carefully curated music playlists, drawing, reading (strictly three books at a time), and dance. Through her time writing for The International, Hana hopes to utilise her interest for international relations and law to explore into timely issues all around the world.

All content by Hana K.(’22)