Genre “New”tral – the new band in town

Genre Neutral goofing around in the band room.

Lisa S. (12)

Genre Neutral, this year’s high school band at the International School of the Sacred Heart, is gradually changing some of the traditions inherited from previous bands.

Firstly, the high school band now has many new musicians and instruments that are not usually found in a band. The high school band has a funky violinist, Alice L. (11), with whom Genre Neutral can perform a wider variety of music from pop to indie rock. This is also the second year for the high school band to have a ukulele player, played this year by Nicole K. (9). The high school band has also borrowed congas from the orchestra, which will give Genre Neutral’s music a richer sound.

Genre Neutral also has two drummers. Inspired by many YouTube covers of pop songs performed by two drummers, the drummers of Genre Neutral, Lisa S. (12) and Rima Y. (9), took this rare chance to use their numbers to their advantage, using a new approach to drumming, the double drum act, in one of their song covers: “Uprising” by Muse.

To briefly explain, in the double drum act, two drummers play on one drum kit at the same time. In the past, when a high school band had two drummers, the drummers would alternate at different songs. However, by using the double drum act, they hope that they can drum beyond the main beats in songs, putting additional fill-ins and giving more depth to their songs.

Like the drummers, Genre Neutral has two keyboardists too, Emilia N. (9) and Hanae T. (9), with one keyboardist playing the main melody using piano sounds and one keyboardist playing electric, brass, and string effects. By having double the usual number of keyboard players in a band, Genre Neutral is able to layer their sound and give twice the amount of volume.

In addition, Genre Neutral and their sponsor, Mr. Tootell, is looking to improve their sound. Right now, they are using effect machines to give instruments a wider variety of sounds, allowing the ukulele to play rock, the violin to give an echo effect, and the bass, played by Dayeon K. (12), to give an electric effect.

To see Genre Neutral’s performances please see Mr. Tootell’s videos at The Genre Neutral will also be playing at the International School of the Sacred Heart’s Family Festival which will be held on Saturday, March 16, 2019.

Please come and see the newest ISSH band!