Emily (Class of 2020)

“Hello, I’m Emily. I joined Sacred Heart in 2006 (K4). I will be attending Barnard College of Columbia University from the fall. 

My favorite memories at Sacred Heart are definitely compiled from everyday moments like chatting with teammates at the back of the bus to and from games, sprinting to bake sales and the Enichi lunch, catching up with friends in the bathroom, laughing until we were crying, and panicking during homeroom before a calculus or kanji test. Of course, I have irreplaceable memories from my trips to Guam with the cross country team, all the Far East tournaments, and Nepal. I’ll miss all the amazing performances and food from Family Festival, Japan Day, and One World Day too. However, if I had to choose one memory, it would be when the A-team won the middle school basketball tournament in 8th grade. We had great teamwork and had so much fun so the season was a blast! The end-of-season party Mr. Bowler organized for us in the amphitheater was so touching. I’d say it was my favorite sports season!

From all the excursions I’ve been on, the 9th-grade excursions at Ise was my favorite. The wholesome bonding moment the grade had on the boat was cute. It was also funny since we started singing together on the deck. With that said, however, every excursion was great, and waking up extra early with my cross country teammates to run around the local area has always been an exciting experience.

One unforgettable event was when I tore my knee ligament during a PE class in freshman year. I was hospitalized for three weeks and couldn’t play sports for one year, which was really sad. On the other hand, it was heartwarming because my friends, coaches, and even the entire cross country and basketball team surprised me with visits. I was able to grow from the experience and enjoyed cheering from the sidelines.

Because we’ll be graduating in a few weeks, I can’t help but think back to kindergarten. Splash Day and Polar Express Day were the best! I’ll never forget how excited my friends and I were to hear Mr. Jeremic shout, “If you’re done with your lunch you can play!” On rainy days, we sat on the colorful rug in the Open Area and watched videos on the CRT TV during recess. I also recall writing messages all over the yellow staircase in the old kindergarten/JS area when it was going to go under construction in 2010. 

I am truly thankful to everyone at Sacred Heart for making my time at this school so special. I don’t know another community that is as warm and welcoming and I am grateful to have been able to meet many of my role models. Thank you to all my teachers and faculty for always being passionate and for instilling in me a love for learning. Thank you to my friends, senpais (upperclassmen), and kouhais (underclassmen), who have been there to laugh, cry, travel, and do stupid things with me. Thank you to my family for your love and endless support.

Your time in high school is precious so make the most of it! Have fun and enjoy the moments you have with your friends. I’ve discovered my interests and formed unexpected friendships by trying out a lot of different things, whether the experience was great or not-so-great, so don’t hesitate and go for it. Vamos Symbas!” –  Emily