
More from the Class of 2021 Series:

“Hi, I’m Hannah and I joined Sacred Heart in K4 (2007). In the fall, I will be attending Colorado College! COVID-19 hasn’t really affected my decision of where to study, because I wanted to apply to places where I knew I would be the happiest, and where I would thrive the most as a student. However, I did make sure to apply to areas where I knew I had family or family friends around, so I have people to turn to whether it’s in times like this, or not. Colorado College has been my dream school for a really long time, and I feel extremely lucky that I was able to attend campus tours and that I am able to go, even during this time.

As a veteran, one thing I remember was that in kindergarten, every Wednesday (I think) we had pizza day, and we would order how many pizza slices we wanted from dominos. It was a day I was always looking forward to. Another thing I really enjoyed was Mother’s Day in K4. On this day, we would bring our moms to school, and I was particularly excited because I got to paint my mom’s nails for the first time (it went horribly). We would also go on a picnic in the playground as well. I was just so happy during that time and it was a very memorable veteran memory.

One of the other best memories for me was being in the 4th grade, and specifically, being in the 4-Green homeroom with Ms. Hofstee. I have so many fun and happy memories associated with that year, from prayer corner to AM PM exercises, the hi-fives every Friday, and the people I was surrounded by. I think there is something very special about growing up together in the 4th grade and in that specific homeroom. There are so many changes happening in that specific year, and doing that all together makes the experience so much better. 

My favorite excursion was also in 4th grade. I think it was mostly because there was so much excitement leading up to it. I hadn’t left home for that long of a time ever, so I think that entire experience and being surrounded with close friends for three days was really important to me, and had a lasting impact.

My worst memory from ISSH was probably that pigeon and crow incident that happened in the 4th grade which, I don’t really want to get into detail about because it was just so gruesome. I can still picture what happened to this day and get chills thinking about it. Those who were there know EXACTLY what I’m talking about. There was also that time where termites attacked the sandpit in 1st grade too which again, was pretty frightening for a first-grader. 

I am thankful for so many things during my years here. I’m thankful for my family who has supported me endlessly throughout my school life and has given me so many opportunities. I am thankful for my friends who make me feel constantly happy and have brought me the best memories to reflect on. I am so grateful to be surrounded by such kind and loving people. I am also extremely thankful for my education, teachers, this community, and what it has given to me over the years. I have changed so much because of it. Sacred Heart is such a special place, and I am proud to know that I have attended this school for so long.

My advice for everyone is, do what you want to do! Listen to what you want, not what others want, and know your worth. You need to trust your instincts! You know more about yourself than what you let on. It took me a really long time to realize that the only person holding me back was me, and you need to believe that you know what is best for yourself. Stop underestimating your worth, because you have so much to offer.” — Hannah