
More from the Class of 2021 Series:

“Hi! I’m Miran and I joined Sacred Heart in grade 5 (2013)! From this fall, I will be attending Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China. Zhejiang University was my top choice university, so the college decision process was straightforward. The high reputation, internships, and partnerships that my university offered appealed to me greatly. Being half Chinese-Japanese, but born and raised in Japan for my whole life, I never had the opportunity to embrace my Chinese heritage, which I always had a long desire to learn. Also, learning in a country with a long history and great possibilities excites me in many ways. I’ll be studying global communication and management at the International Business School of Zhejiang University. I can’t wait to explore the Chinese culture and its people. 

One of my best memories at Sacred Heart was grade 5 excursions since everything was so carefree at the time. Simply enjoying the campfire, meeting new friends, and getting in trouble for running in the hallways just made the trip memorable. 

The weirdest memory at Sacred Heart was in middle school when we all thought that being injured looked somewhat cool. I remember myself with my classmates wrapping ourselves with bandages to make us look hurt on purpose. Fun times!

The Sacred Heart education helped me in many ways not only in the school but also outside of school. The courage and confidence that I gained at Sacred Heart made me who I am today. Thank you, Sacred Heart!  

Last but not least, I want to give my biggest thanks to my family for their continuous love and support. Mirei, thank you for always pushing me to do my best! I know for a fact that I will miss my family the most when I go off to university. The weekend walks, movie marathons, random conversations about life are little things that made my day better in every way. Thank you and love you! 

Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself! In Sacred Heart, I had the opportunity to experience everything. Literally, everything. I was first lost. I didn’t have a strong passion for anything. But, the environment which Sacred Heart facilitates helped me find what I loved to do. Also, it leaves you with no regrets. So, get yourself out there!” — Miran